Applicant Portal
   Required Information
Login Information
 User Name     Must be at least 5 characters long
 Password     Password must meet the following requirements: Between 8 and 64 characters long, 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 special character
 Confirm Password     Password must meet the following requirements: Between 8 and 64 characters long, 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 special character
Personal Information
 First Name    
 Middle Name   
 Last Name    
 Address 1    
 Address 2   
 Zip Code    
 Phone - Business   
 Phone - Mobile   
 Phone - Home    
 Phone - Fax   
Secondary Address
 Address 1   
 Address 2   
 Zip Code   
Optional Information
 Birth Date  Format mm/dd/yyyy
 Social Security No.  Format numeric only
Demographic Questions


Marital Status:  

Teacher ID (PPID):

Employer Questions
Employer Question Description
How did you hear about this position?


Teachers: Have you acquired tenure in Pennsylvania? If yes, in what school district?

Applicant Portal Version 9.0 and alio API Version 7.0
Copyright © 2024 EMS LINQ, Inc. All Rights Reserved.