![]() ![]() The apply for a position, please follow these simple steps: 1. Create an account (this only needs to be done once) - Don't have one yet? Click here to start the process 2. Build your resume - As you are building your resume, this is actually your application! You should then attach your actual resume, current clearances, letters of reference, certifications and/or licenses, and a cover letter. Each job posting will specify documents that must be attached. We also request that you list your Social Security Number in your profile. Please be aware that this information will be kept confidential. In the event you are recommended for a position, having the Social Security Number will help facilitate the recommendation process. 3. Apply for open positions - Not sure what you're qualified for? Click here - Click here to search for open positions by job category and / or location 4. Make sure your required forms and clearances are up to date - Not sure what those are? Find out here Some important notes:
CURRENT IU EMPLOYEES - Current CIU 20 employees wishing to apply for positions should create a separate login/password through the Applicant Portal. Your current username/password used for the "Alio Employee Portal" CANNOT BE USED TO ACCESS THE APPLICANT PORTAL. Creating an on-line application and applying on-line for posted positions will be considered a written response to postings. Employees may still write a letter of interest and will be duly considered for position openings posted on the employee portal. EXTERNAL APPLICANTS (Not employed by CIU 20) - must complete an on-line application in order to be considered for a position. Please direct questions to: Recruitment Office Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 6 Danforth Drive Easton, PA 18045-7899 (610) 515-6409 recruitment1@ciu20.org |