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  About Us

The Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 is a rapidly-growing organization serving students in a three-county area (Monroe, Northampton, Pike).  Experience the satisfaction and personal growth working with educational and therapeutic staff to bring cutting edge services to students and clients.  

Serving 13 school districts and 3 career and technical centers, CIU 20 provides direct and indirect services to 79,000 public school children; 9,000 non-public school children; and 7,000 professional staff. 

Our mission is simply this:  be a resourceful community partner by supporting student growth through education, social services, and business initiatives. We are dedicated to providing innovative services to drive teaching and learning, improve student outcomes, and enhance operations.


CIU 20 team members follow the Three Rs as their guiding principles:

  1. Building positive Relationships that support student growth
  2. Always Remain Responsive to the needs of our students and families
  3. Demonstrate Results through services and programs for students


Here's a message from our Executive Director, Dr. Christopher Wolfel, which shares more about the philosophy of CIU 20 and how intermediate units got their start and their role in education across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



Equal Opportunity Employer
To comply with Federal laws, State laws, and State Department of Education regulations concerning equal rights and opportunities and to assure these within our Intermediate Unit, the CIU20 declares itself to be an equal rights and opportunities agency. As an equal rights and opportunities agency, it does not discriminate against individuals or groups because of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex and disabilities as defined by law. The Intermediate Unit's commitment to no-discrimination extends to students, employees, prospective employees, and the community.

Successful performance and affirmative action program efforts will provide positive benefits to the Intermediate Unit through fuller utilization and development of previously underutilized human resources.

Coordinator of Title IX, Section 504 and ADA is: Director of Human Resources & Research Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, 6 Danforth Drive, Easton, PA 18045, 610-252-5550.



The Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 does not award experience salary for prior work experience.  Individuals previously employed by the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 will be given consideration for IU 20 prior work in accordance with Board policy. 

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